Grey Ironbark

Grey Ironbark

Grey Ironbark Hardwood

Grey Ironbark is a high quality native Australian hardwood. It has a very tight and straight grain, varies in colour from a mahogany to dark brown and is naturally strong, durable and relatively termite resistant. It is a heavy species compared to other hardwoods.

It is highly regarded within the Indigenous Community, who use it to make spear throwers and use the bark to treat injuries.

Swadlings proudly stock Grey Ironbark by Boral, which are precision-milled and have a long service life. Grey Ironbark is also available for decking and flooring.




Please contact our sales team for more information on our full range of sizes. Swadlings on-site milling can accommodate your specifications.

Care and installation Guidelines

Get in touch with our staff to learn more about caring for and installing Grey Ironbark.


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